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New Beginnings . . . and Endings

Happy Thursday! Another week . . . and I'm happy to report that spring may have finally sprung in Britain. I have to say, after the rainy past few months, we definitely deserve it. Plus, I've crossed 68,000 words on my new novel and I'm closing in on the end. My first drafts are usually quite sparse, and this one will probably end up somewhere around 73,000. In the second, I'll flesh out characters and add in new scenes . . . it's where the real hard work begins.

Baby TR started nursery this weekend amidst the usual tears and angst (on both our parts!), and I managed to get an amazing amount of work done. I'd forgotten how productive it can be to have a chunk of time to actually write.And I've actually made it around to visit a few blogs, too.  I'm really looking forward to making use of my new time when I start the editing phase, either next week or the week after. While I can pound out first drafts no problem, I really need some good headspace to dive in and edit.

I've also redesigned my website! My old one was a bit of a mish-mash, with lots of information everywhere. I wanted something clean and easy to navigate, so I've created a simple, scaled-down version which covers all the bases. It's now HTML instead of flash, which means it should work on all devices, too.

And next Tuesday, The Pollyanna Plan re-launches! It's so fantastic to give the novel a new lease of life. Fingers crossed it goes well. I received the audio book this week and it was beyond exciting (and strange!) to hear my characters' voices.

So, basically, it's been a wonderful week - apart from the cocktail-induced hangover yesterday, but I won't mention that.

What's new in your neck of the woods?

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