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Saved, my favourite jeans..

Hello all, you all doing ok today?
Well what a shock today was..Snow and lots of it..it was very short lived it but the girls were so excited and me and daddy too..Jack dog was outside conducting business at the time and looked like he had dandruff when he came in.
We did our school work and got finished early..had a drama with the Math sheets..Fern was adding them up instead of taking away..she had done quite a few when she realized her mistake..bless she was upset but quickly rectified it.
Now last week my favourite pair of jeans frayed at the top the leg on the inside..i was devastated..but my gorgeous and o so smart husband watched a Youtube tutorial on how to patch jeans with the sewing machine and bingo i have a nice patch and my favourite jeans can be worn for a bit longer.

What it looks like ..but you wont actually see it as its on the inside of my thigh..

The patch inside the leg

What it looks like from behind..

Whilst we had the machine out we also mended a pillow case that had started to come undone and a pair of Iris's pyjama bottoms had ripped..
It gives us both a sense of satisfaction..that 1 its something we mended and 2 it cost us nothing to mend..i like it as a few years back i would have tossed the jeans and bought new ones without thinking twice about it..now however i look forward to mending things so i can get extra use from them and also not have to replace them.
What about you ladies do you get a sense of satisfaction from mending things.
take care

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