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War of the Roses Vignettes and Markers - Perry Miniatures

I didn't intend painting these chaps straight away when I ordered them, but when I opened the boxes I just couldn't resist getting the paints out.  In truth the paints were already out - I was halfway through a project but I stopped and put that project aside while I did these.

Simply being marker stands I should have wasted minimal time and just used washes and quick methods to complete them, but I just couldn't help using my normal more labour intensive techniques to see how they would look.  The sculpts just deserved the attention.  The pair of figures above (with helper in Edward IV's livery) was particularly rewarding to paint up. I thought the sculpting entirely believable - it just looks right! The wounded man-at-arms with his armour missing from his wounded left arm being helped away by a foot soldier from his own contingent could have come from a painting.  I did another pair with the helper in Warwick's livery which follows further on.

This unfortunate chap is another from the Perry's casualty pack.  This fellow from the Earl of Oxford's contingent has caught a longbow arrow.  I struggled with slight gloss sheen under the bulb with these photos. My previously most-trusted matt varnish has become unreliable.  I am still looking for the ideal paint-on matt varnish.  All of the figures shown in the post are from the Perry's War of the Roses metal range.

The figures are based on casualty bases made by 'Warbases'.  These are MDF and use a dial system to show the number of casualties.  I previously used the plastic bases by Forgeworld for their game 'Aeronautica Imperialis' but for reasons best known to themselves and Games Workshop, they axed their entire range and accessories.  The Forgeworld plastic bases were perfect for me as they had two dials.  Thus when playing Hail Caesar, I could keep track of Stamina and the Excess casualties on the same base.

As these bases have one dial only I created a square in the base texture for which will sit a small six-sided dice.  This will keep track of the Excess casualties whilst the dial will track the stamina.  Not the ideal solution but it is at least workable.

Ignore the strange blotchy colours around the base - I raised the base for the photo on an aerosol spray lid which I had once used as a painting pallette.

The Perry's provide a combination of men-at-arms as well as common foot soldiers in their casualty packs.

We have the vignette of Warwick's wounded to conclude with.  Livery design decals are by Citadel Six, the flora by Mini Natur, and the rocks by a company who made cat litter around 15 years ago (I still have some left but I'm going to have to buy some more!)

Hopefully I can now get back to finishing my previous project before I change historical periods. I've been solely painting War of the Roses for something like 6 months now and I feel a change coming on....

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